How to install the BestPrice extension?

Installing the extension on your browser makes it easier to know when deals and discounts are available on merchant websites. Never miss a single deal!

Just follow this link to install the BestPrice extension or if you want to Do It Yourself, here's how in 3 easy steps! 

Step 1: Click on the "Add to Chrome" button on our website

Step 2: Click on the “Add to Chrome” button in the Chrome web store and automatically install the BestPrice extension to your browser. 

Step 3: Pin it to win it! 

Don't forget to pin the BestPrice extension to your browser! This will guarantee you see deals and discount alerts every time you are shopping online.

Voila! You can now get the Best Price, every-time you shop! Look for our “B” lighting up in your browser navigation bar, to avail of deals, discounts, and Cashback!

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